Songwriting Blog

Writers Block

Writers Block – How To Get From A Title To A Full Lyric

A member of the Songwriting Magic Facebook group posted that she had came up with a song title but was really struggling to get any further. This was my reply. Connect your phrase to what is going on in your life or what has happened in your life. Write that story down. Don’t try to […]

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Tom Rafferty

Tom Rafferty Reflects On His Writing Process

Reflections on Quarantunes so far My friend Jim Byrne asked me how I can be so prolific, so I thought I would gather my thoughts on that. For context, I have been doing a lot of writing and recording, and sharing the results on Bandcamp as 4 Volumes (so far) of Quarantunes, over about 8 […]

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Jim Byrnne Glad Cafe Gig

My messy lyric writing process

In this post I reveal how messy my lyric writing process is. We all have a different journey to a finished lyric. By being open about my own messy process – I hope to re-assured you that your own struggles are perfectly valid – no matter how unusual they are. To give you some context. […]

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